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That was wonderful. Inspiring, and alongside that specifically and simply informative. Probably nothing in there that I've not heard before, but all connected and exemplified so practically, it all suddenly, to me at least, becomes so clear.

And some beautiful quotations in there, to paraphrase, "I am an animal and animals love to move."

I'm going to use that as an affirmation (it is also a beautiful image so I will keep picturing that in my mind), and I translate my affirmations into languages I am learning.

By the way, I've just remembered something from years ago that seems relevant. It was a TED talk by a professor from Harvard, I think, who had created the most signed-up for first year course ever. It was on self-esteem and body-image problems facing students. She advised them to, obviously in private, to look at their bodies naked in the mirror every day, and just slowly to see things about their body that they liked. Apparently it has a steady profound influence on them developing condidence in themselves. And obviously is applicable at any age.

So, as I've taken from you here, slow persistent positive thought and action growing into a natural state of being.

Thank you for this talk, I hope lots of people see it.

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