
We need a new way to treat mental illness.

Is homeopathy part of the answer? Jerry Kantor offers some alternative approaches to modern psychiatry

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In case you missed my recent interview with Jerry Kantor, I am re-sharing it below, along with the exclusive content of the transcript and video for those who prefer to read or watch me interview my guests. Listen here:

Mind Body Health & Politics
Understanding the Source of Your Illness- Jerry Kantor
Listen now (56 min) | Imagine being able to not only treat an illness or symptom but understand the source and be a part of the solution. That is the homeopathic standpoint we are presented with today. We are not meant to be stuck in the depression, anxiety, and fear that too many are feeling now-a-days. Our guest – Jerry Kantor – argues homeopathic treatments are the cure w…
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We sometimes assume that modern medicine has all of the answers, or at least that it has asked the right questions. Sometimes, medicine finds a solution to an illness but later forgets that wisdom when it becomes more convenient (or more profitable) to peddle another kind of “band-aid” solution.

Prescription psychiatric drugs often fall into this latter category. They are not nearly as effective as is typically thought, and they come with serious side effects (which we all know, don’t merely happen on the side). Meanwhile, millions of Americans are paying an annuity to the pharmaceutical industry to have their depression and anxiety papered over by medications when more effective alternatives exist.

I have been a long-time advocate for vigorous exercise, for example, as one of the best instant remedies for depression. If you can build up to 60 minutes of exercise each day, you will get several hours of reprieve from your symptoms.

Psychedelic medicines have shown great promise, as well – not only in alleviating the symptoms of depression and anxiety but, I believe, in helping to resolve the root causes of trauma, addiction, and patterns of “stuckness” that require resetting. This requires more research.

Jerry’s own perspective on psychedelics is nuanced – he is not an advocate, but rather opts for acupuncture and homeopathic remedies in his own practice, at Vital Force Health Care. We discuss whether psychedelics can be used in homeopathy, the differences between homeopathic doses and “microdoses,” and what it means for different substances to speak with their own unique voices.

Like psychedelics, homeopathy has been something of a third rail topic for scientific researchers. While research on psychedelics is now undergoing a renaissance, we learn from Jerry that books on homeopathy are still banned by the three major publishers of scientific research. Hence my spotlight on Jerry’s new book: Sane Asylums, The Success of Homeopathy Before Psychiatry Lost Its Mind.

Our conversation explores the possibility that a traditional approach, which utilized homeopathic remedies along with “moral care” as a cure for psychiatric illness, may still have something to teach us. At the very least, we should not be censoring alternative perspectives like this.

Please watch, read, or listen and let me know what you think in the comments.

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Wishing you Golden Light,

Dr. Richard Louis Miller

Further Reading:


Dr. Richard Louis Miller: Welcome to Mind Body Health & Politics. I'm your host, Dr. Richard Louis Miller.

Today, we're going to have a great interview with Jerry Kantor, who's going to talk to us about his book, Sane Asylums. He's going to tell us about the success of homeopathy before, as he says, psychiatry lost its mind.

But before the interview, I want to make an editorial comment. The news is full of information about the passing of the Queen of the United Kingdom and the new king, Charles III. And I have one message to Charles III:

Charles, make a royal proclamation. Do away with all the nobility. Abdicate your throne. Let's get rid of this exclusionism once and for all. Let's get rid of this ridiculousness where kings somehow lead by divine right and are not subject to the same rules as the rest of the world. They only listen to the voice of God. It's an antiquated system that went out hundreds of years ago, and it's time for it to cease, once and for all.

How many people are there in this world that make fun of the downtrodden and poor and say, "Oh, they live on the dole"? But what is the king doing but living on the dole, off the backs of the people paying taxes, leading a lifestyle that should have gone out of existence 100 years ago?

So, Charles, do the right thing. Abdicate, do away with the nobility, and let us all be together once and for all, an integrated people living on the planet. Thank you for listening, Charles.

And now on to our interview. Jerry Kantor, welcome to Mind Body Health & Politics.

Jerry Kantor: Thank you so much. A pleasure to be here.


What homeopathic treatment of the mentally challenged is

Dr. Richard Louis Miller: I think, first, it's important that you really elaborate for our public on what homeopathic treatment for the mentally challenged really is. How does it differ from psychiatry, which in your words, has lost its mind?

Jerry Kantor: Yeah, it could not be any more different. We're not interested in suppressing symptoms or treating diagnostic categories. Homeopaths treat the underlying cause of whatever illness we have. It's very, very customized to the individual. I call it spiritual forensics.

Quite frankly, when we dig deeper into an individual's life and life history, we look for a key trauma. My favorite question to ask when I do an interview is, "What is your hot button? What situation is likely to get you upset? And if I saw you really upset, what would I see specifically?"

It's a two-part question. Do you get irritable? Do you get drunk? Could you write a poem? Do you withdraw? Do you throw a tantrum? How we become uncomfortable has less to do with how we become sick.

So, homeopathy is inherently psychiatric in the sense that we do prescribe remedies for these situations. This is the law of similars, which has lost its familiarity in this country, deliberately through obfuscation and the campaigns against homeopathy.

It’s a law of nature that we can cure what a substance causes. If you know what a substance produces in a random bunch of people, this is homeopathic research called "the proving." I would call it "the law of inculcation" because we can create psychiatric, physical states in people by having them take a certain substance at a low dosage over a period of time and having them keep journals.

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