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Food for Thought with Creon Levit

How can we apply psychedelics to everyday people and everyday life?

Dear friends and neighbors,

Interviewing a polymath is a rare and humbling treat in anyone's life. Creon Levitt is able to process, memorize and discuss information at speeds which boggle the mind. In addition, he is able to think both linearly and alinearly which makes talking to him a virtual smorgasbord of exceptional ideas as he makes connections between far reaching concepts. Creon gives new meaning to the old saying "Food for Thought".

Please watch, read, or listen to the interview, and let me know what you think in the comments.

Mind Body Health & Politics
Can Psychedelics Increase Our Creativity? – Creon Levit
Listen now (54 min) | It is often fun to bounce ideas between good friends. This conversation with Creon Levit is no different. Creon’s interests are vast, but one thing is for certain, he is working towards a better future. Looking at psychedelic use beyond treatment for mental illness, Creon shares with us notable tech giants, and their possible inspirations, as well as a …
Listen now

I am currently embarking on a new series featuring healing stories from those who have benefitted from psychedelics at the end of life, or in the face of a terminal diagnosis. I hope to interview those with direct personal experience, as well as relatives, friends, and clinicians with stories to share. Please email my producer if you would like to be interviewed on my program, and featured in a future book on this topic.

Wishing you Golden Light,

Dr. Richard Louis Miller

This podcast will always remain available at no cost. However, I’d like to offer my most loyal listeners additional options for enjoying my interviews – both as videos and transcripts.

Further Reading:


Richard Louis Miller: Welcome to Mind Body Health & Politics. I'm your host, Dr. Richard Louis Miller. The mission of Mind Body Health & Politics is to enhance your physical and emotional wellbeing and to encourage community. I stress encourage community, because I believe that human beings are basically friendly tribal animals who enjoy being with one another and cooperating with one another. We like doing things together. We like eating together, we like playing ball together, we like meeting in all kinds of social groups, and we like collaborating. We are really tribal animals.

At the very same time, there exists within us a very small group who are quite different. These people are avaricious, greedy, and they are dominant predators. They would rule us. They have a very different attitude about life here on the planet and we must be ever mindful not to allow these people to control as they have in many countries around the world. We must stay aware. In the words of one of my heroes, Thomas Jefferson, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

An applied physicist at NASA for 30 years – introducing Creon Levit

Today on Mind Body Health & Politics, I'm privileged to have a colleague, a dear friend, and an internationally prominent rocket scientist, Creon Levit. Creon spent a good part of his career as a rocket scientist with NASA and more recently, he is Director of Research and Development with Planet Labs. Some of you may know about Planet Labs which has sent up small satellites that Creon may tell you about that are circling the Earth and taking photographs of everything that's going on the surface of the Earth in real time, all the time. Welcome to Mind Body Health & Politics, Creon.

Creon Levit: It's great to be here and great to see your face, Richard.

Richard Louis Miller: Creon, what's been occupying this amazing mind of yours most in recent days?

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